Transforming Ghosting Experiences with Recruiters: An Introduction to

Transforming Ghosting Experiences with Recruiters: An Introduction to

In the contemporary job market, ghosting has become an increasingly prevalent issue. The term "ghosting," originally coined in the context of dating, refers to the abrupt cessation of all communication without any explanation, leaving the other party hanging. As frustrating as this may sound, it's something that professionals across different sectors experience with recruiters after job interviews. Fortunately, a new platform called is offering a way to address this problem.

6 Startup Expenses to Be Avoided Until the Startup Stabilizes

6 Startup Expenses to Be Avoided Until the Startup Stabilizes

If there is anything that characterizes entrepreneurship, it is a limited budget. Every decision you make must be made with that in mind, which can make it difficult to decide what exactly to spend on when it comes to your startup. While some details are dependent on your situation, there are a few items that should definitely be left for later. Here are six business expenses to avoid until your startup consistently turns a profit:

5 Best Video Game Novels

5 Best Video Game Novels

Gone are the days when video games meant simple time-wasters, with trivial objectives such as shooting down aliens. Nowadays, video games feature fully-fledged, cinematic stories, that rival the likes of Hollywood productions. Sometimes, the stories told in video games are so compelling, that they even spawn novel series. This article will list the five best novels based on video game franchises.

Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade

Assassin's Creed is one of the biggest video game franchises, spanning over 10 games in just the main series, with many spin-offs on different platforms. Naturally, people who want to get into the franchise would start with the first game, but, unfortunately, it hasn't aged well. The first Assassin's Creed title is repetitive, with frustrating objectives and a slow story. Luckily, "Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade" by Oliver Bowden tells the story of the first game, and then some. The novel features the entire journey of the first protagonist of the series, from his childhood to his old age. In terms of the video games it covers, it contains the story of the first game, the spin-off Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines, and some parts of Assassin's Creed: Revelations.

What ICO Means for Founders

What ICO Means for Founders

During the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) free-for-all of 2017 and 2018, investors spent more than $20 billion of cryptocurrency buying tokens to fund startup companies. It was a process with little quality control or regulation. For investors, the result was devastating. According to the Wall Street Journal, fewer than 15 percent of ICO tokens during that period are trading at or above their initial price, and the collective value of the tokens today is around $5 billion.



There is an alternative approach to tokenizing a physical asset that creates a security, such as a work of art. Rather than selling shares of the asset you can create a company that owns the asset and tokenize the equity in the company. Equity tokens are a kind of security token that demonstrate the enormous advantages of tokenizing securities such as stock on the blockchain.

Equity tokens represent shares of ownership in something, such as a company. They are essentially digital stock on the blockchain. Rather than issuing paper certificates or registering book-entry shares, companies put a token on the blockchain to record ownership. When someone sells their shares, the tokens are simply updated to document the new owner. There is total and complete transparency with automatic error prevention, complete with an audit trail of who has owned every token since it was originally placed on the blockchain.

Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

During 2017 and 2018, many companies held ICOs where they sold tokens labeled as utility tokens during a fundraising event. Companies were focused on raising capital for their projects and many failed to consider how the tokens would maintain their value over time. There was very little disclosure to investors, who had no recourse to hold management accountable or influence the direction of the project. Many investors probably didn’t realize just how risky the investments were until their tokens became worthless. Unfortunately, there were also some fraudulent offers engineered to deceive investors and raise a relatively small amount of money for the personal benefit of the founders.